
发布时间:2024-10-03 | 作者:hth华体会

11篇论文中竟呈现统一块桌布,多家病院利诱「同享」操作2022-2-16 8:46:44 来历:举世医疗器械网 浏览数:

已发现长链非编码 RNA (lncRNA) HOX 转录反义 RNA (HOTAIR) 在很多人类恶性肿瘤中过表达并介入肿瘤进展和转移。虽然 HOTAIR 调理肿瘤转移的下流靶点尚不清晰,但有证据注解 miR-23b 可能介入了这一事务。

2018hth����年2月8日,陕西中医药年夜学朱振宁(音译,Zhu Zhenning)在Bioscience Reports在线颁发题为「HOTAIR contributes to cell proliferation and metastasis of cervical cancer via targeting miR-23b/MAPK1 axis」的研究论文,该研究肯定了HOTAIR阐扬其致癌感化的新路子,并为HOTAIR在宫颈癌预后和医治中的潜伏利用供给了份子根本。

可是,在2021年6月8日,该文章被撤回,首要缘由是该文章的尝试样品,标尺和桌布在其他多达10篇文章呈现反复利用,同时作者没有回应编纂的扣问;别的,作者的单元是陕西中医药年夜学(Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine),却拼写成了山西中医药年夜学(Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine)。

在收到读者的通知后,应主编和编纂委员会的要求,本文将从 Bioscience Reports 中撤回,提示编纂委员会留意图 2C、3C、5E、6J 和 7A,此中包括堆叠数据和图象与其他几个出书物的反复。





[1]HOTAIR contributes to cell proliferation and metastasis of cervical cancer via targetting /MAPK1 axis(已撤稿)

[2]Inhibition of BAMBI reduces the viability and motility of colon cancervia activating TGF β/Smad pathway in vitro and in vivo(已撤稿)

[3]Epigenetic silence of HOTAIR contributes to the metastasis of pancreaticcancer via targeting miR-138(已撤稿)

[4]The inhibitory effect of MEG3/miR-214/AIFM2 axis on the growth of T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma(已撤稿)

[5]Long non-coding RNA MEG3 inhibits cell growth of gliomas by targeting miR-93 and inactivating PI3K/AKT pathway(已撤稿)

[6]HNF1A AS1 promotes growth and metastasis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by sponging miR 214 to upregulate the expression of SOX-4(已撤稿)

[7]UCA1 Regulates the Growth and Metastasis of Pancreatic Cancer bySponging miR-135a(已撤稿)

[8]Silencing of lncRNA CCDC26 Restrains the Growth and Migration of Glioma Cells In Vitroand In Vivo via Targeting miR-203

[9] Long Noncoding RNA SChLAP1 Accelerates the Proliferation and Metastasis of Prostate Cancervia Targeting miR-198 and Promoting the MAPK1 Pathway(已撤稿)

[10]Astragaloside IV inhibits progression of glioma via blocking MAPK/ ERKsignaling pathway

[11]H19 promotes the migration and invasion of colon cancer by spongingmiR-138 to upregulate the expression of HMGA1(已撤稿)

本文来历 | Retraction,SCI论文投稿等

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